See also:
Blog & Newsletter Writing

Blog & Newsletter Writing Intensive

Nonfiction Pathways
If you’re not sure what kind of nonfiction to write...
If you know what kind of nonfiction to write...
If you want a rather short course...
Next Steps
After completing a Level I ten-week course...
After completing Memoir II, if you want to write a book...
Selling Your Work
If you hope to get published somewhere...
Blog & Newsletter Writing Intensive

The Blog & Newsletter Writing Intensive happens in a short time span (1 day in NYC, or 2 days on Zoom). The course includes a mixture of lectures and assignments. It’s open to writers of any level. Farther down, you can view a syllabus for this course.

The beauty of a blog or newsletter is you can start one up without anyone’s permission. But how many are well written? Truly interesting or entertaining or useful? Maintained on a regular basis? Enjoyed by a wide circle of people? Precious few.

The key is to write blogs or newsletters so good even total strangers will be drawn to read them.

Here you’ll learn the specialized craft of writing for blogs or newsletters. Creating a concept. Writing with structure, voice, credibility, and a point to each post or issue. Also, setting things up and attracting an audience.

 Whether your purpose is to establish a platform, promote a business, or just to spread your creative wings, we’ll show you how to win over readers time and again.

About Blog & Newsletter Writing
Blog & Newsletter Writing Intensive

Engaging, easily digestible, and fun!

Robin McKenna



If you want technical assistance setting up and learning to maintain a blog, consider our One-on-One Blog Launch.

Upcoming Classes

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This course gives an overview of the craft of writing for blogs and newsletters. Course components:|
     Brief lectures
     Writing exercises

     Concept: Creating a focused concept for your blog/newsletter.
     Point: Finding fresh and interesting points for your posts.
     Structure: Exploring various ways to structure your posts.
     Voice: Bringing your unique voice to your blog/newsletter.   
     Flow of Ideas: 
How to keep your blog/newsletter flowing with new ideas.
Techniques for creating eye-catching or appealing headlines.

Note: Content may vary among individual classes.