In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets

In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets

In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets is an Intensive, meaning it happens in a short time span (1 day in NYC, or 2 days on Zoom). The course includes a mixture of lectures and exercises. It’s open to writers of any level. Farther down, you can view a syllabus for this course.

Enhance the quality of your writing by learning the techniques of poetry. This course isn’t about writing poetry; it’s about using poetic techniques to write better in every form that is not poetry: fiction, memoir, screenwriting, stand-up comedy, songwriting, social media, etc.

Poetry is about packing the maximum punch with a minimum of words. Here you’ll learn techniques for doing that with all kinds of writing, making your words more precise, potent, and, perhaps, even magical.

The poet Anthony Hecht once said: Poetry is full of secrets and hidden formulae, like a witch’s brew. Here’s where that brew is offered.

About In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets
In(verse): Poetic Techniques for Non-Poets

If you've struggled with writing paragraphs that sing, this is the course for you.

Scott Gray

writer, adjunct faculty


This is a cross-genre course, applicable to any kind of writing.

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This course gives an overview of how to apply the techniques of poetry to other forms of writing, in any genre. Course components:
     Brief lectures
     Writing exercises

   Sound: Utilize sound to enliven your words, even on the page.
   Rhythm: Manipulate the rhythm of your sentences to create flow, mimic physical action, and underscore emotions.
   Figurative Language: Bring people, places, and thoughts to life through metaphor, simile, and personification.
   Imagery: Mix sound, rhythm, and figurative language to create memorable images that linger in the mind.
   Economy: Make every word count through selection and precision.
   White Space: Sculpt your words and pages through artistic use of white space.
   Magic: Imagine ways to infuse your work with “magical” powers.

Note: Content may vary among individual classes.