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Stand-Up Comedy Writing

Stand-Up Comedy Writing Intensive

Stand-Up Comedy Writing Intensive

The Stand-Up Comedy Writing Intensive happens in a short time span (1 day in NYC, or 2 days on Zoom). The course includes a mixture of lectures and exercises. It’s open to writers of any level. Farther down, you can view a syllabus for this course.

Comics say it’s the greatest high. You step into the light, take a swig of water, pick up the mic, then reduce a crowd of people to a mass of helpless laughter. Sure, the risks are great—silence, heckling, humiliation—but on a good night a stand-up feels richer than Notaro and Rock combined.

You “kill” or “die” depending on your material. Here you will learn techniques for writing and performing stand-up comedy, as well as how to market yourself.

Whether you favor shtick or sophistication, we’ll show you how to write standup material that makes ‘em laugh, and laugh some more.

About Stand-Up Comedy Writing
Stand-Up Comedy Writing Intensive

The teacher challenged our minds and our smiles in a way that taught me the hows and whys of new material.

Louise Campbell

legal administrator & "comic"

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This course gives an overview of the basics of writing stand-up comedy. Course components:
     Brief lectures
     Writing exercises

     What Is a Joke?
     Point of View 
     Ways to Improve a Joke 
     The Audience
     The Performer
     The Stand-Up Scene

Note: Content may vary among individual classes.