Stand-Up Comedy Writing
Stand-Up Comedy Writing is a 10-week workshop, which includes lectures, exercises, and the critiquing of student projects. It’s for beginners or anyone who wants to brush up on the fundamentals. Farther down, you can view a syllabus for this course. As a bonus, the course culminates with an optional performance at an NYC comedy club.
Comics say it’s the greatest high. You step into the light, take a swig of water, pick up the mic, then reduce a crowd of people to a mass of helpless laughter. Sure, the risks are great—silence, heckling, humiliation—but on a good night a stand-up feels richer than Notaro and Rock combined.
You “kill” or “die” depending on your material. Here you will learn techniques for writing and performing stand-up comedy, as well as how to market yourself.
Whether you favor shtick or sophistication, we’ll show you how to write standup material that makes ‘em laugh, and laugh some more.
A great way to gain confidence as a comedian and as a writer in general. And you get to perform in two NYC comedy clubs!
Jonathan Carver
Upcoming Classes
This course gives you a firm grounding in the basics of stand-up comedy writing and gets you putting together a five-minute set, which you may perform in a club on a “class night in NYC.” Course components:
Writing exercises
Workshopping and rehearsing material
Week 1
What is a Joke?: Joke analysis. Subject/point of view/twist. Information part/funny part.
Week 2
Point of View 1: Understanding point of view. Working on material for established comics to practice point of view.
Week 3
Ways to Improve a Joke 1: Editing. Repetition. Shock. Choosing the best words.
Week 4
Ways to Improve a Joke 2: Joke dissection. Adapting to circumstance. Adding relevance.
Week 5
The Audience: Knowing your audience. How to appeal to a particular audience.
Week 6
The Performer: Discovering your persona. Communicating your persona. Timing.
Week 7
Point of View 2: Find out what others think is funny about you. Refine your persona.
Week 8
Prepare for Show 1: Assemble your act. Microphone and stage technique. Working on delivery. Rehearsal.
Week 9
Prepare for Show 2: Continuation of above.
Week 10
Prepare for Show 3: Continuation of above.
Note: Content may vary among individual classes.