Just Write

Just Write

Just Write is a six-week class, where writers come together to…just write. It’s open to writers of all levels.

Do you find it hard to get yourself in a chair to write for a good stretch of time? If so, you’re not alone. Oh, no.

That’s the beauty of Just Write. You gather with a group of writers once a week for three hours and you…just write. You work on a project of your choosing, which can be any type of writing—novel, script, memoir, stand-up routine, etc.

A teacher is present, offering brief features: words of wisdom, discussion, intentions for the coming week. You can participate or just keep writing.

Whether you’re charging through a rough draft or refining your work, you’ll find this a valuable time to get something done.

About Just Write
Just Write

It’s an opportunity to add discipline to your writing if you find it hard to carve out time for it on your own; to work among fellow writers, making a solitary task into a social one; and to benefit from the presence a supportive instructor who is a writer and a fountain of information.

Michael Goodman



This is a cross-genre course, applicable to any kind of writing.

Upcoming Classes NYC COVID Info

If you test positive for Covid – Don’t come to class until you test negative. But let your teacher know and we’ll work to give you access to your missed classes via Zoom.

If you show Covid symptoms OR If you have been exposed to someone with Covid – Don’t come to class for at least 5 days after showing symptoms or exposure, and then take a test to confirm that you are negative. Let your teacher know and we’ll work to give you access to your missed classes via Zoom.

If you have any questions about this, you may call (212-974-8377) or email us ([email protected]).
  • Starts Wednesday, January 15
    NYC, 10am – 1pm ET
    6-Week Class


Registration fee $25, paid once per term



There’s no syllabus as this is mostly just a place where writers come together to just write. But the sessions are framed with inspirational thoughts from the teacher, free-flowing discussion, and thinking of intentions for the coming week.


K Hank Jost
K Hank Jost

K Hank Jost is the editor of A Common Well Journal. He is also the author of the novel MadStone and the novel-in-stories Deselections (both Whiskey Tit Books). His short stories and poems have appeared in Hobart, Vol. 1 Brooklyn, the Burning Palace, X-R-A-Y Lit Mag, and BULL, among others, and he is a regular contributor to the New Haven Independent. He has taught for the Brooklyn Center for Theatre Research.

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